Are You Going to Work Until You Die?

Chris Welsby
3 min readJan 4, 2024
Image by Mohamed Hassan on Pixabay

Have you got your Retirement Plan worked out?

I am connecting with a lot of people right now who are in their fifties and sixties, and struggling to see how they can retire.

For some, the future looks grim. A combination of factors has seen their financial stability fall apart over the last few years. Covid, unstable employment, family relationship breakdowns………

They work to survive, living paycheck to paycheck. Very little is put by for the future, only the state pension to look forward to when they eventually are forced to retire.

If you are in that situation, it is my feeling you should consider another form of income. And not delivering food, walking dogs, or other forms of manual labour. That is exchanging time for money at a fixed rate and won’t pay off long term.

My suggestion would be an internet-based business, where you could begin to put together an income stream not dependent on working specific hours for some other employer who profits from your labour.

And this income stream, once established, could continue to generate income even when you weren’t working on it.

Many people will never follow such a plan. It is above their comfort level. And if they were to consider stepping out into…



Chris Welsby

Just passing through….writing about Internet Marketing, Health, Retirement Planning and crafting Short Stories about Relationships. Lives in North West England.