Retirement Planning: How to Stop Making Other People Rich

Chris Welsby
7 min readFeb 15, 2024
Image by Author in Canva

So if you don’t have enough money to retire with, why are you still making OTHER PEOPLE RICH?

Let’s take a look at 3 ways people like you and me have been making other people rich, and flushing our money down the toilet.

Number One is the new car. Smell that leather, look at those shiny black tyres. Play with all the gadgets. Feel the force that will be with you when you drive down that dual carriageway, snaking through the traffic, cutting lorries up, accelerating away past all the poor people.

But such power does come at a cost. And a heavy one. New car dealers come with the latest slick sales offers to draw you in. The figures float this way and that in front of your eyes. The upsells, the downsells, the discounts, the special offers.

The salesperson is, of course, your friend, and he is out to get the very best deal he can for you, isn’t he? Eventually, the deal closes, and your new car awaits you. And you drive it away, on top of the world.

But — The minute you drive it away, you’ve lost possibly thousands of pounds or dollars or euros. It is now a second-hand car, and its true financial value has changed dramatically.

If it’s a BIG car, or one of those with a name of 3 or 4 letters,(and I don’t mean Fiat) it will…



Chris Welsby

Just passing through….writing about Internet Marketing, Health, Retirement Planning and crafting Short Stories about Relationships. Lives in North West England.