Smash These 3 Bad Habits Before You Retire

Chris Welsby
4 min readFeb 5, 2024
Picture by 27707 on Pixabay

There are 3 Nasty Habits that will knock you over in retirement.

One of them, or all of them, will destroy you if you’re not careful.

First up is Smoking. Well, it would be, wouldn’t it?

We’ve all heard it all before — smoking is detrimental to our health. Blah blah…..

But it’s an indisputable fact. And more so as we get older.

Just when your energy is starting to wane, your limbs feel heavy, your back sags and your waist keeps trying to expand.

Your bladder starts leaking,

And now you start getting short of breath. And you’re coughing a lot.

Life’s a struggle, ain’t it?

Keep going with the fags, and you get Lung Cancer or Emphysema. Pretty Definite.

All the studies aren’t wrong. Simple as that.

OK, we grew up with cigs. They were fun. Everybody smoked. We were cool. As kids, we spent long coach journeys or boring hours on rainy days writing down all the cigarette brands from all over the world.

Most of them are gone now, but the names still stick in the mind.

Woodbines, Players, Pall Mall, Camel, Lucky Strike, Embassy, Peter Stuyvesant, those French jobs beginning



Chris Welsby

Just passing through….writing about Internet Marketing, Health, Retirement Planning and crafting Short Stories about Relationships. Lives in North West England.